Crosley CR8009B-DU Discovery Vinyl Record Player Review

Imagine having the perfect blend of vintage charm and modern convenience right at your fingertips. With the Crosley CR8009B-DU Discovery Vintage Bluetooth in/Out 3-Speed Belt-Driven Suitcase Vinyl Record Player Turntable, Dune, you can enjoy the nostalgia of vinyl records while staying connected to your favorite digital playlists. This portable turntable allows you to easily connect to Bluetooth enabled speakers or use the RCA out to connect to your existing stereo system. With adjustable pitch control, built-in stereo speakers, and a headphone jack for private listening, the Discovery is ready to bring your music to life in any setting. Whether you’re a long-time vinyl enthusiast or a newcomer to the world of records, this versatile record player is the perfect addition to your home.

Discover more about the Crosley CR8009B-DU Discovery Vintage Bluetooth in/Out 3-Speed Belt-Driven Suitcase Vinyl Record Player Turntable, Dune.

Why Consider This Product?

If you are a music enthusiast or a vinyl lover, the Crosley CR8009B-DU Discovery Vintage Bluetooth in/Out 3-Speed Belt-Driven Suitcase Vinyl Record Player Turntable in Dune should definitely be on your radar. With its impressive features and benefits, this record player offers a nostalgic yet modern way to enjoy your vinyl collection.

Firstly, one of the standout features of this product is its Bluetooth out function. This means that you can easily connect the Discovery to Bluetooth enabled speakers, allowing you to wirelessly stream music from your vinyl records. Gone are the days of having to rely solely on a wired connection to enjoy your music. This feature provides convenience and flexibility, allowing you to seamlessly connect your record player to your preferred audio setup.

Additionally, the portable belt-driven turntable plays records at three different speeds: 33 1/3, 45, and 78 RPM. This means that no matter what type of vinyl records you own, this turntable has you covered. Whether you prefer the slower pace of a 33 1/3 RPM record or the faster tempo of a 45 RPM record, you can be confident that this product will deliver optimal playback quality.

Lastly, the included adjustable pitch control allows you to fine tune your records to perfection. This is a crucial feature for those who appreciate precise audio quality. By being able to adjust the pitch, you can ensure that your vinyl records sound exactly how they were intended to, capturing every subtle nuance and detail.

Features and Benefits

Bluetooth Out Function

With the Bluetooth out function of the Crosley CR8009B-DU Discovery, you can easily connect the record player to Bluetooth enabled speakers. This wireless connection eliminates the need for messy wires and allows you to stream your vinyl records with ease. Simply pair the Discovery with your speakers and enjoy the freedom of wire-free listening.

Portable Belt-Driven Turntable

The portable design of this turntable makes it incredibly convenient to take your vinyl collection on the go. Whether you want to bring it to a friend’s house for a vinyl listening party or simply move it around your living space, the suitcase-style design ensures easy portability. The belt-driven mechanism provides smooth and consistent playback, ensuring an enjoyable listening experience.

Adjustable Pitch Control

The adjustable pitch control is a fantastic feature for audiophiles and enthusiasts who appreciate fine-tuning their audio experience. With this control, you can adjust the pitch of your vinyl records, allowing for precise audio playback. This ensures that your records sound exactly as they were meant to, without any speed or pitch discrepancies.

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Ready to Play Out of the Box

One of the biggest advantages of the Crosley CR8009B-DU Discovery is that it is ready to play right out of the box. No complicated setup or assembly required. Simply unpack the turntable, place your vinyl record on the platter, select your desired speed, and enjoy the music.

Aux-in and Bluetooth Receiver

The aux-in and Bluetooth receiver features of this record player further enhance its versatility. You can connect your digital playlists directly to the built-in stereo speakers via Bluetooth or the auxiliary input. This allows you to enjoy a wide range of music options, from your vinyl collection to your favorite digital tracks, all through one device.

Headphone Jack for Private Listening

For those times when you want to immerse yourself in the music without disturbing others, the built-in headphone jack comes in handy. Simply connect your headphones and enjoy your vinyl records privately. This feature is particularly beneficial for late-night listening or when you want to focus solely on the music.

Crosley CR8009B-DU Discovery Vintage Bluetooth in/Out 3-Speed Belt-Driven Suitcase Vinyl Record Player Turntable, Dune

Find your new Crosley CR8009B-DU Discovery Vintage Bluetooth in/Out 3-Speed Belt-Driven Suitcase Vinyl Record Player Turntable, Dune on this page.

Product Quality

The Crosley CR8009B-DU Discovery Vintage Bluetooth in/Out 3-Speed Belt-Driven Suitcase Vinyl Record Player Turntable is known for its excellent build quality and durability. Crosley is a reputable brand in the audio industry and is well-regarded for delivering high-quality products.

The turntable’s construction is sturdy and durable, ensuring that it can withstand regular use and transportation. The materials used are of good quality, ensuring that the product will last for years to come. Moreover, the record player operates smoothly, providing consistent and reliable playback.

In terms of audio quality, the built-in stereo speakers deliver impressive sound. The speakers are well-balanced and provide clear and defined audio, capturing the intricate details of your vinyl records. Additionally, the adjustable pitch control ensures that the audio playback remains accurate and true to the original recording.

Overall, the product quality of the Crosley CR8009B-DU Discovery Vintage Bluetooth in/Out 3-Speed Belt-Driven Suitcase Vinyl Record Player Turntable is commendable, making it a worthwhile investment for any music lover.

What It’s Used For

The Crosley CR8009B-DU Discovery Vintage Bluetooth in/Out 3-Speed Belt-Driven Suitcase Vinyl Record Player Turntable can be used in various settings and situations, adding a touch of nostalgia to your music experience. Here are a few examples of how this record player can be used:

Outdoor Gatherings and Parties

The portable design of the Crosley Discovery makes it an ideal entertainment centerpiece for outdoor gatherings and parties. Whether it’s a backyard barbecue, a picnic in the park, or a beach party, this record player can take your music experience to the next level. Its built-in stereo speakers ensure that the music reaches everyone, creating a vibrant and nostalgic atmosphere.

Private Listening Sessions

Sometimes, you just want to immerse yourself in the music without any distractions. The Crosley Discovery with its headphone jack allows you to enjoy your vinyl records privately. Whether you want to unwind after a long day or escape into your favorite albums, this record player provides a personal listening experience that is both relaxing and enjoyable.

Home Entertainment

The Crosley CR8009B-DU Discovery can be a centerpiece in your home entertainment setup. Whether you have a dedicated listening room or simply want to enhance your living space with a retro aesthetic, this record player adds a touch of vintage charm. Connect it to a Bluetooth enabled speaker system or your existing stereo system through RCA out for a complete audio experience.

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Vinyl Collecting and Showcasing

For vinyl enthusiasts and collectors, the Crosley CR8009B-DU Discovery serves as a platform to showcase and enjoy their vinyl collection. Its stylish design, combined with the ability to play 3 different speeds, makes it a versatile addition to any vinyl collection. Display your favorite albums, play them effortlessly, and admire the beauty of vinyl in a modern yet vintage way.

Record Store Pop-ups and Events

Record store pop-ups and events are gaining popularity, celebrating the resurgence of vinyl records. The portable nature of the Crosley Discovery makes it an excellent choice for such occasions. Whether you are a record store owner or a vinyl lover participating in these events, this turntable can easily be set up to provide an immersive music experience for attendees.

Crosley CR8009B-DU Discovery Vintage Bluetooth in/Out 3-Speed Belt-Driven Suitcase Vinyl Record Player Turntable, Dune

Product Specifications

Specification Details
Model Crosley CR8009B-DU Discovery Vintage Bluetooth in/Out 3-Speed Belt-Driven Suitcase Turntable
Dimensions 4.75 x 14 x 10.5 inches
Weight 5.5 pounds
Speeds 33 1/3, 45, and 78 RPM
Color Dune
Bluetooth Out Function Yes
RCA Out Function Yes
Aux-in Function Yes
Adjustable Pitch Control Yes
Built-In Speakers Yes
Headphone Jack Yes

Who Needs This

The Crosley CR8009B-DU Discovery Vintage Bluetooth in/Out 3-Speed Belt-Driven Suitcase Vinyl Record Player Turntable is perfect for anyone who appreciates the rich sound and unique experience of vinyl records. Whether you are a music enthusiast, a vinyl collector, or someone looking to add a touch of nostalgia to your home, this turntable offers great value.

Moreover, this product is suitable for those who appreciate versatility and convenience. The Bluetooth out function allows for wireless streaming, making it easy to connect to different audio setups. The portable design and adjustable pitch control further enhance its convenience and customization options.

It is worth noting that this turntable is suitable for beginners and experienced users alike. Its user-friendly design ensures that anyone can start using it right out of the box, while the adjustable pitch control allows experienced users to fine-tune their audio experience.

Crosley CR8009B-DU Discovery Vintage Bluetooth in/Out 3-Speed Belt-Driven Suitcase Vinyl Record Player Turntable, Dune

Pros and Cons


  • Bluetooth out function for wireless streaming
  • Portable and lightweight design
  • Plays 3 different speeds: 33 1/3, 45, and 78 RPM
  • Adjustable pitch control for precise audio playback
  • Ready to play right out of the box
  • Aux-in and Bluetooth receiver for additional audio options
  • Built-in stereo speakers with headphone jack for private listening


  • Built-in speakers may not offer the same audio quality as external speakers
  • The suitcase-style design may not appeal to everyone’s aesthetic preferences
  • Some users may prefer manual belt-drive turntables for a more hands-on experience


Q: Is the Crosley CR8009B-DU Discovery compatible with all Bluetooth speakers? A: Yes, the Bluetooth out function allows for wireless connectivity with any Bluetooth enabled speaker.

Q: Can I connect external speakers to the Crosley CR8009B-DU Discovery? A: Yes, the turntable has an RCA out function that allows you to connect it to your existing stereo system or external speakers.

Q: Does the Crosley CR8009B-DU Discovery come with a warranty? A: Yes, Crosley offers a warranty on their products. Please refer to the manufacturer’s website for more information.

Q: Can I adjust the pitch of my vinyl records with this turntable? A: Yes, the adjustable pitch control allows you to fine-tune the audio playback of your vinyl records.

Q: Does the turntable come with a power supply? A: Yes, the Crosley CR8009B-DU Discovery comes with a power supply for easy and convenient operation.

Crosley CR8009B-DU Discovery Vintage Bluetooth in/Out 3-Speed Belt-Driven Suitcase Vinyl Record Player Turntable, Dune

What Customers Are Saying

Customers who have purchased the Crosley CR8009B-DU Discovery Vintage Bluetooth in/Out 3-Speed Belt-Driven Suitcase Vinyl Record Player Turntable have been highly satisfied with its performance and features. Many customers rave about the convenience of the Bluetooth out function and the ability to wirelessly connect to their preferred audio setup.

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The portability of the turntable is also praised, with customers finding it easy to take the record player with them on trips or move it around their living space. The adjustable pitch control is another feature that receives positive feedback, allowing users to achieve the perfect playback for their vinyl records.

Some customers have mentioned that the built-in stereo speakers deliver surprisingly good sound quality, considering the compact size of the turntable. However, others have opted to connect the turntable to external speakers for an even more immersive audio experience.

Overall, customers appreciate the value for money offered by the Crosley CR8009B-DU Discovery turntable and recommend it to both beginners and experienced users.

Overall Value

The Crosley CR8009B-DU Discovery Vintage Bluetooth in/Out 3-Speed Belt-Driven Suitcase Vinyl Record Player Turntable in Dune offers excellent value for its price. With its impressive features and versatility, it provides a convenient and enjoyable way to indulge in your vinyl collection.

The Bluetooth out function and adjustable pitch control are standout features that enhance the overall value of the product. With wireless streaming capabilities and the ability to fine-tune your audio playback, this turntable caters to those seeking convenience and customization options.

While the built-in speakers may not match the audio quality of external speakers, they still deliver an enjoyable listening experience. The portable design and user-friendly operation make this turntable suitable for both beginners and experienced users.

Considering the positive customer reviews and the reputable brand reputation of Crosley, this turntable is an excellent investment for any music enthusiast or vinyl lover.

Crosley CR8009B-DU Discovery Vintage Bluetooth in/Out 3-Speed Belt-Driven Suitcase Vinyl Record Player Turntable, Dune

Tips and Tricks For Best Results

To ensure the best results and maximize your enjoyment, here are a few tips and tricks for using the Crosley CR8009B-DU Discovery Vintage Bluetooth in/Out 3-Speed Belt-Driven Suitcase Vinyl Record Player Turntable:

  1. Always clean your vinyl records before playing them to prevent any dust or debris from affecting the sound quality. Use a microfiber cloth or a record cleaning brush to gently remove any particles.

  2. Adjust the adjustable pitch control according to your preference and the characteristics of the vinyl record. Experiment with different settings to achieve the best audio playback.

  3. If you prefer a more immersive audio experience, consider connecting external speakers or a stereo system to the turntable. This will enhance the sound quality and fill the room with rich, detailed audio.

  4. When using the Bluetooth out function, ensure that your Bluetooth enabled speakers or audio devices are within a reasonable proximity to maintain a stable and uninterrupted wireless connection.

  5. Store your vinyl records properly to prevent damage and maintain their quality. Invest in record sleeves or storage boxes to protect them from dust and scratches.

Following these tips and tricks will help you get the most out of your Crosley Discovery turntable and ensure a satisfying and enjoyable music experience.

Final Thoughts

Product Summary: The Crosley CR8009B-DU Discovery Vintage Bluetooth in/Out 3-Speed Belt-Driven Suitcase Vinyl Record Player Turntable in Dune offers an impressive combination of features and convenience. With its portable design, Bluetooth out function, and adjustable pitch control, it caters to both beginners and experienced users.

This turntable can be used in various settings, from outdoor gatherings to personal listening sessions. Its versatile nature and user-friendly operation make it an appealing addition to any vinyl lover’s collection. The built-in stereo speakers, headphone jack, and auxiliary input further enhance its versatility and audio options.

With its solid product quality, compact size, and impressive functionality, the Crosley CR8009B-DU Discovery provides excellent value for its price. Whether you are new to vinyl records or a seasoned collector, this turntable will undoubtedly enhance your music experience.

Final Recommendation: If you are in search of a convenient and versatile record player that offers wireless streaming capabilities and precise audio playback, the Crosley CR8009B-DU Discovery Vintage Bluetooth in/Out 3-Speed Belt-Driven Suitcase Vinyl Record Player Turntable is the ideal choice. Its exceptional features, coupled with its user-friendly operation, make it a valuable addition to any music lover’s setup.

Learn more about the Crosley CR8009B-DU Discovery Vintage Bluetooth in/Out 3-Speed Belt-Driven Suitcase Vinyl Record Player Turntable, Dune here.

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