Should I Get A Cheap Record Player?

Thinking about getting a record player? Before you make a decision, consider this: should you opt for a cheap one? While it may be tempting to save some money upfront, there are several factors to consider before investing in a low-cost record player. In this article, we will explore the pros and cons of cheap record players, helping you determine whether going budget-friendly is the right choice for you. So, let’s dive in and explore the world of cheap record players!

Pros of getting a cheap record player


One of the main advantages of buying a cheap record player is that it won’t break the bank. If you’re on a tight budget or just starting out with vinyl records, a cheaper option allows you to enjoy the experience without spending a significant amount of money. It’s a great way to test the waters and see if vinyl is right for you before investing in a more expensive model.


Cheap record players are widely available and can be found in various retail stores, both online and offline. They are often easy to find and purchase, making them accessible to a wide range of individuals. Whether you’re shopping online or visiting a local electronics store, you’ll likely have no trouble finding an affordable option that suits your needs.

Suitable for beginners

If you’re new to vinyl records and are just starting to build your collection, a cheap record player can be a suitable choice. These entry-level models often come with basic features and functions, making them user-friendly for beginners. They provide a straightforward way to play your favorite records without the complexities and potential overwhelm of higher-end models.

Easy to replace

Another benefit of cheap record players is that they are relatively inexpensive to replace if they break or wear out. Since cheaper models usually come with shorter lifespans and may not have the same durability as more expensive options, it’s reassuring to know that replacing them won’t break the bank. This affordability allows you to continue enjoying your vinyl records without a significant financial setback.

Portable and lightweight

Many cheap record players are designed with portability in mind. They are often compact and lightweight, making them easy to move around the house or take with you on the go. This portability is especially beneficial if you enjoy listening to vinyl records in different spaces or want to bring your record player to gatherings or parties.

Cons of getting a cheap record player

Lower sound quality

One of the drawbacks of affordable record players is the compromise in sound quality. Cheap record players typically have less sophisticated components, resulting in a decrease in fidelity and overall audio experience. If you’re an audiophile or if sound quality is a top priority for you, investing in a higher-priced record player may be a better option.

Less durability

Cheap record players often use less sturdy materials and may not be built to withstand heavy use or long-term wear and tear. They may be more prone to breaking or malfunctioning compared to their more expensive counterparts. If you intend to use your record player frequently or plan to keep it for a long time, it’s worth considering a higher-quality option for enhanced durability.

Limited features

Affordable record players usually come with basic features and may lack the advanced functionalities found in higher-end models. You may not have access to features such as USB or Bluetooth connectivity, pitch and speed control, or even a cueing mechanism. If you’re looking for specific features or advanced options, you may need to invest in a pricier record player.

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Potential damage to records

Another concern with cheap record players is the potential for damage to your vinyl records. Inferior components and improper setup can lead to issues such as excessive stylus pressure, misalignment, inaccurate tracking force, or an ill-fitting tonearm. These factors can result in scratches, skips, or other damage to your precious vinyl collection.

Lack of upgrade options

With cheap record players, you may have limited options for upgrading or customizing your setup. Higher-end models often provide more flexibility for adding additional components, upgrading cartridges, or improving various aspects of the audio playback. If you’re planning to delve deeper into the world of vinyl and want the ability to upgrade your setup in the future, a cheaper record player may not provide the necessary options.

Factors to consider when buying a cheap record player

Intended use and frequency

Before purchasing a cheap record player, consider how often you plan to use it and where you will be using it. If you’re a casual listener who only plans to play vinyl occasionally, a more basic and affordable model may be suitable. On the other hand, if you’re a serious vinyl enthusiast or plan to use the record player as a primary audio source, investing in a higher-priced option may be worth considering.


Your budget is a significant factor when buying a record player. Determine how much you’re willing to spend and what features and quality you expect within that price range. While a cheaper record player may seem appealing due to its affordability, it’s essential to strike a balance between your budget constraints and the desired level of performance and durability.

Brand reputation

Research different brands of affordable record players and consider their reputation within the industry. Look for customer reviews, ratings, and feedback to get insights into the reliability, quality, and customer satisfaction associated with various brands. Opting for a reputable brand can provide a higher level of assurance in terms of product quality and customer support.

Build quality

While cheap record players are generally built to meet a specific price point, it’s crucial to assess the build quality and construction materials. Look for models that use durable materials, such as sturdy plastics or metal components, to ensure your record player can withstand regular use and potential mishaps. Pay attention to the overall feel and sturdiness of the record player when evaluating different options.

Compatibility with records and accessories

Check the compatibility of the cheap record player with different types of vinyl records and accessories. Ensure that it can play various speeds (e.g., 33 1/3, 45, and 78 RPM) and handle different record sizes. Additionally, consider any specific accessories or components you may want to use, such as external speakers or headphones, and check if the record player supports those connections.

Sound quality of cheap record players

Lower fidelity

One of the primary trade-offs with cheaper record players is a decrease in sound fidelity. The components and manufacturing processes used in these models may not prioritize audio performance, resulting in a less detailed and immersive listening experience. If you value the nuances and richness of the music, investing in a higher-priced record player with better sound quality may be worth considering.

Inconsistent speed

Cheap record players are more likely to suffer from inconsistent speed, which can lead to fluctuations in pitch and rhythm. The motor and speed control mechanisms in lower-priced models may not be as precise or stable. This inconsistency can negatively impact your listening experience, especially when comparing it to the smooth and accurate playback of pricier record players.

Background noise

Affordable record players often produce more background noise, such as hum or static, during playback. This additional noise can be distracting and detract from the overall listening experience. Higher-quality record players generally have superior noise-canceling mechanisms and more robust electrical shielding, resulting in cleaner and quieter audio reproduction.

Lack of balance and precision

The tonearm tracking and balancing systems in cheap record players may not deliver the same level of precision as their higher-end counterparts. This lack of balance and precision can result in uneven tracking force, misalignment, or even stylus skipping across the record surface. These issues can impact the clarity and accuracy of the music, compromising the listening experience.

Durability of cheap record players

Less sturdy materials

Cheap record players are often constructed using less durable materials, such as lightweight plastics. These materials can make the record player more susceptible to damage from accidental drops or mishandling. If you anticipate heavy or frequent use of your record player, it’s worth considering a higher-priced option that utilizes more robust and long-lasting materials.

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Limited lifespan

The lower price point of cheap record players often correlates with a shorter lifespan. Cheaper models may have shorter warranties or lack the build quality required for long-term durability. If you’re looking for a record player that will withstand years of use, investing in a more expensive option may be necessary to ensure that you’re not constantly replacing or repairing your device.

Fragile components

Inexpensive record players may have fragile internal components that are more prone to damage from regular use. For example, the tonearm, cartridge, or stylus may be of lower quality and less resistant to wear and tear. Fragile components can result in reduced performance, skipping, or scratching of your vinyl records.

Potential for skipping or scratching records

Due to their cheaper construction, affordable record players have a higher potential for issues such as skipping or scratching records. The lack of precise tracking, imbalance, or improperly adjusted tonearm can lead to these problems. While regular maintenance and careful handling can mitigate some of these risks, investing in a more reliable and higher-quality record player can offer better protection for your valuable vinyl collection.

Features of cheap record players

Manual or automatic operation

Cheap record players usually come in two types: manual and automatic. Manual record players require manual intervention to start and stop the turntable. On the other hand, automatic record players have a mechanism that lifts and places the tonearm on the record with the push of a button. Consider which operation style suits your preferences and convenience when selecting a cheap record player.

Built-in speakers

Many cheap record players include built-in speakers, which can be convenient for those who don’t want to invest in external speakers or headphones. However, it’s important to note that the sound quality from built-in speakers is typically lower compared to dedicated audio setups. If sound quality is crucial to you, you might want to explore record players that allow for external speaker connections.

USB or Bluetooth connectivity

Some inexpensive record players offer additional connectivity options, such as USB or Bluetooth. USB connectivity allows you to digitize your vinyl collection by connecting the record player to your computer. Bluetooth connectivity enables wireless streaming to compatible audio devices such as speakers or headphones. If these features are important to you, consider choosing a cheap record player with these connectivity options.

Pitch and speed control

While not commonly found in cheap record players, some models may offer pitch and speed control. These features allow you to adjust the playback speed or change the pitch of the music. If you’re interested in manipulating the playback characteristics of your vinyl records, ensure that the record player you choose includes these control options.

Cueing mechanism

A cueing mechanism is used to lift and lower the tonearm onto the record manually. While it may not be a feature commonly found in inexpensive record players, it can be beneficial if you want more precision and control over when the needle touches the record. Consider whether the presence or absence of a cueing mechanism is important to you when evaluating different cheap record player options.

Potential damage to records

Excessive stylus pressure

In cheaper record players, the stylus pressure may not be properly calibrated and can exert excessive force on the record groove. This excessive pressure can lead to premature wear and damage to your vinyl records. It’s crucial to ensure that the record player you select allows for proper adjustment of the stylus pressure to minimize the risk of damaging your precious vinyl collection.


The alignment of the tonearm and the cartridge is critical for accurate tracking of the record groove. Cheap record players may not have precision alignment mechanisms, leading to misalignment. Misaligned components can cause distortion, skipping, or scratching of your records, potentially diminishing the quality and lifespan of your vinyl collection.

Inaccurate tracking force

Tracking force refers to the amount of pressure applied by the stylus on the record groove. In cheap record players, the tracking force may not be accurately set, resulting in suboptimal playback performance. Insufficient tracking force can lead to skating, where the stylus moves across the record surface instead of tracking the groove properly. This movement can cause skips and diminish the sound quality.

Ill-fitting tonearm

The tonearm is responsible for holding the cartridge and stylus and should ideally fit the record groove with precision. In cheaper record players, the tonearm may not be properly aligned or have loose components, resulting in a subpar fit. An ill-fitting tonearm can cause improper tracking, resulting in compromised sound quality and potential damage to records.

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Inferior cartridge quality

The cartridge is a critical component of the record player that houses the stylus and translates the grooves on the record into audio signals. Cheap record players often come with cartridges of lower quality, which can result in subpar audio reproduction. Upgrading to a higher-quality cartridge can significantly enhance the sound quality of your record player, but it may not be an option with cheaper models.

Tips for finding a reliable and quality cheap record player

Research different brands

Take the time to research different brands and manufacturers of cheap record players. Look for reputable companies that have a track record of producing quality audio equipment. Reading online reviews and customer ratings can provide valuable insights into the reliability and performance of different models and brands.

Read customer reviews and ratings

Customer reviews and ratings can be a valuable resource when evaluating cheap record players. Look for feedback from other customers who have purchased and used the record player you’re interested in. Pay attention to any recurring issues or concerns that may indicate potential drawbacks or limitations of a particular model.

Check for warranty or return policy

Even with lower-priced record players, it’s important to consider the warranty or return policy offered by the manufacturer or retailer. A warranty can provide peace of mind and protection against manufacturing defects or premature failure. Additionally, a favorable return policy allows you to try out the record player and return it if you’re not satisfied with its performance.

Compare prices and features

Compare prices and features across different models and brands to ensure you’re getting the best value for your money. While it’s crucial to consider your budget, it’s equally important to evaluate the features and specifications that matter to you. Look for models that strike a balance between affordability and functionality, offering the best combination for your needs.

Consult with audio experts or enthusiasts

If you’re unsure about which cheap record player to choose, consider seeking advice from audio experts or enthusiasts. They can provide valuable insights and recommendations based on their experience and knowledge. Online forums, social media groups, or audio equipment communities can be excellent sources for connecting with individuals who can guide you in making an informed decision.

Benefits of investing in a higher-priced record player

Improved sound quality

One of the notable advantages of investing in a higher-priced record player is the improved sound quality it offers. Higher-end models typically feature better components, engineering, and design, resulting in more accurate sound reproduction and enhanced sonic detail. If you value a rich and immersive listening experience, a higher-priced record player can provide a significant upgrade.

Durable construction

Higher-priced record players often feature more robust construction and higher-quality materials. They are built to withstand heavy use and are designed with longevity in mind. Investing in a more expensive option can give you confidence in the durability and reliability of your record player, minimizing the need for frequent repairs or replacements.

Advanced features and options

Another advantage of higher-priced record players is the availability of advanced features and options. These models often offer a wider range of connectivity options, such as USB, Bluetooth, or Wi-Fi, allowing you to integrate your record player into a modern multimedia setup. Additionally, features like adjustable pitch and speed control, tonearm damping, or advanced cartridge options provide greater customization and flexibility for your listening experience.

Better overall performance

Higher-priced record players typically offer a higher overall performance with superior audio reproduction, speed stability, and tracking accuracy. These models prioritize precision and provide a more faithful representation of the music recorded on vinyl. If you’re an audio enthusiast or have a discerning ear, a higher-priced record player can significantly enhance your enjoyment of vinyl records.

Long-term investment

While higher-priced record players may initially seem like a larger financial investment, they often prove to be more cost-effective in the long run. These models tend to have longer lifespans and higher resale values compared to cheaper record players. By investing in a higher-quality option, you can potentially save money in the long term by avoiding frequent replacements or repairs.


When deciding whether to get a cheap record player, it’s important to consider your personal preferences, priorities, and budget. Cheap record players offer affordability, accessibility, and suitability for beginners, but they do come with certain trade-offs such as lower sound quality and limited features. Factors to consider include the intended use and frequency of the record player, budget constraints, brand reputation, build quality, and compatibility with records and accessories.

Sound quality of cheap record players is often compromised in terms of fidelity, speed consistency, and background noise. Durability may be a concern due to less sturdy materials, limited lifespan, and fragile components. The features of cheap record players range from manual or automatic operation to built-in speakers, USB or Bluetooth connectivity, pitch and speed control, and cueing mechanisms.

Cheap record players also present potential risks to your vinyl records, such as excessive stylus pressure, misalignment, inaccurate tracking force, an ill-fitting tonearm, or inferior cartridge quality. To find a reliable and quality cheap record player, research different brands, read customer reviews and ratings, check for warranty or return policy, compare prices and features, and consult with audio experts or enthusiasts.

Investing in a higher-priced record player offers benefits such as improved sound quality, durable construction, advanced features and options, better overall performance, and long-term investment value. Ultimately, it’s essential to consider your personal preferences, evaluate your budget constraints, and strike a balance between affordability and quality when making your decision. By weighing the pros and cons and considering the factors mentioned, you’ll be able to make a more informed choice regarding getting a cheap record player.